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Maddie McQuillin


In Good Company

Artist Statement:

There are times in every person’s life when they fall. A few years ago, I fell hard. That kind of a fall can be terrifying, but I was never alone. My best friend was there with me in the darkness, and together we helped each other out of it.

We’d cut each other’s hair, thinking that if we changed our appearance the darkness wouldn’t be able to recognize us. But, you can only hide for so long, and darkness always seems to find you.

Eventually, the light comes through. Someone finds you, drags you out and cleans you off. They’re willing to listen to the horror stories from the darkness and shine their light on you, welcoming you back into the sun.

In Good Company honors the love shown to me during the hardest years of my life. The love shown to me when I felt like I was most undeserving has created unbreakable bonds. I am thankful for the group of people who saw that I was worth saving.

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