The internet is chock-full of free content that aims to help deepen our understanding of STEM subjects. We've gathered together lots of options to help narrow your search for free, quality educational resources. Use the key below to help identify resources that meet your needs.
A - Advanced resources (university and/or professional levels)
E - Educator resources (lesson plans and/or labs)
G - General (applicable to multiple audiences)
K - Kid-friendly resources and science games
T - Training courses and/or video lectures
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science.
- [A] [E] This CalTech based website specializes in Infrared-based Astronomy.
- [T] Free online lectures about Astronomy and Cosmology, covering a wide range of technical levels.
- [G] The National Aeronautic and Space Association's main website.
- [K] NASA for kids! Lots of information, games and activities.
- [E] [K] NASA's page devoted to science education. Games, quizzes and activities for kids, and various lesson plans for teachers.
- [G] Learn about upcoming shows and Astronomy Summer Camps, or host a birthday party at the NKU Haile Planetarium.
- [G] PhET provides simulations that model the principles of many different fields of Science. Simulations are available for students and teachers of K-12 as well as university level.
- [A] Physics Made Easy brings you a condensed version of Astrophysics. Great for reviewing!
- [A] Free, powerful open source astronomy software packages for any operating system.
- [G] This website is partnered with NASA, and primarily focuses on space news, images, and educational videos.
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science.
- [E] [T] A wonderful site for biology students and teachers. Seminars, video lectures, and educator resources are all free to the public.
- [G]
- [G] A wonderful introduction to concepts in medicine and biology, written in plain, simple English.
- [K] Games, animal facts and educational videos for kids.
- [G] Explore NKU’s Health Profession program offerings.
- [G] Discover what NKU's Biological Sciences department has to offer!
- [E] Developed by the NKU Biology Department, this website features teaching resources covering the Human Genome Project, DNA technology and their implications in today’s society.
SourceForge (open source software) - [A]
- [T] This website strives to make biology easier to understand for high school students.
- [E] Free, step-by-step lesson plans for educators to help them teach their students about the natural world.
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science
- [E] The American Chemical Society provides educators, students and the community with everything they need to teach and learn chemistry.
- [K] A website aimed to make chemistry easier for children to understand
- [K] This interactive periodic table is simple to use and provides basic information about each element.
- [A]
- [G] Free, in-depth lectures covering all areas and technical levels of chemistry
- [G] If you’re thinking of majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry, look no further than NKU!
Open Source Chemistry Software - [A]
- [E] [T] The Royal Society of Chemistry provides a massive catalog of educational resources, video-lectures, experiments and games for students and teachers alike.
- [E] [K] Chemistry principles, lesson plans and experiments for kids.
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science
- [T] Great for beginners, and for those who want to learn Python and Java
- [T] Dive deep into the world of programming, and explore all the languages that you can learn.
- [G] Explore and connect with a variety of LGBTQ+ STEM innovators and resources.
- [G] Data Science Career Guides to help job seekers, professionals, and students understand the changing landscapes of these programs and their impact on careers and employment
- [G] UC Berkeley Extension shares what teachers, parents, and students should know about cybersecurity in education.
- [G] Data Science Career Guides to help job seekers, professionals, and students understand the changing landscapes of these programs and their impact on careers and employment
- [T] Explore coding, game design, graphic design, and free lectures.
- [T] Step-by-step instructional lectures on various programming languages
NKU College of Informatics - [G] Thinking of majoring in computer programming? Check out ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV's Informatics department.
- [A] Access data scientist resume templates and informational resources to help you stand out in your job search.
- [E] [K] [T] Learn how to program robots using a simple drag-and-drop style of programming.
- [K] [T] Learn the basic rules of computer coding with this drag-n-drop style assembly.
- [G] [K] Play solitaire and learn about some of the most notable women in the computing field while you play!
SourceForge Software - [A]
- [G] Find resources for women in Computer Technology
- [G] Women in Aviation: Past, Present and Future - This resource highlights the progression of women in aviation, from past to present and also looks at what we expect to see in the future. The resource explores the history and influence of women in aviation, looking at some big names throughout the ages and then reviewing some sobering statistics about the current state of women in aviation.
- [K] An impressive list of free engineering-oriented games.
- [E] [T] Whether you’re organizing a family STEM event, or looking for fun STEM activities to do as a family at home, EiE Families has you covered! These hands-on, research-based activities promote collaborative problem-solving, and build confidence in families’ understanding of the STEM disciplines. Designed for families with children ages 4-11.
- [E] [K] Engineering resources for K-12 teachers and students.
- [G] Robotics and engineering resources for all!
- [G] NKU offers Bachelor's degrees in both Electronics Engeineering Technology and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology.
- [K] Lots of games for kids that are centered around engineering.
- [G] Information about the SEFNK hosted at NKU each year.
SourceForge (Open Source Software) - [A]
- [A] Your one-stop-shop to browsing and learning about all the fields of Engineering.
- [K] Learn about the different types of Engineers and play fun engineering games!
- [E] [K] Engineering resources for K-12 teachers and students.
- [E] Provides resources and professional development opportunities for Educators to help them teach their students about climate change.
- [G] Extensive online catalogue of dinosaurs - with information, pictures and quick facts about each species.
- [G] Northern Kentucky's conservation team!
- [G] Want to major in geology? Look no further than NKU!
- [K] A kid-Friendly website with simple introductions to geological principles.
SourceForge (open source software) - [A]
- [G] A non-profit organization that strives to build the next generation of conservation leaders.
- [E] [T] The U.S. Geological Survey's webpage devoted to providing educators with resources about Geology, Wildlife and Conservation education.
- [E] [K] Meteorology made fun, complete with ready-to-go experiments.
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in physics, mathematics, quantitative biology and computer science.
- [G] Balloon calculus explains calculus concepts visually, using balloons and flow diagrams to explain the processes behind differentiation and integration. This visual interpretation will be especially useful to visual and abstract learners.
- [K] [T] Designed for middle school and high school students, this website features games and visual styles of learning for students that are learning pre-algebra, algebra and pre-calculus.
- [K] [T] Designed for elementary school students, this website features games and visual styles of learning for students that are learning elementary math.
- [G] This free, advanced calculator handles algebra, geometry, calculus, probability/statistics, linear algebra, linear programming, and discrete mathematics problems, with steps shown.
- [G] Get free mathematics education with detailed tutorials. From basic to higher mathematics, you will learn math, its formulas and tools, see solutions to common math problems, find example exercises, measure your math skills and more!
- [E] [T] This "Math in the Real World" website encourages students to deepen their understanding of algebra by presenting real world challenges, such as music, video games and basketball. Detailed lesson plans with instructional videos are available for teachers.
- [E] [T] Lesson Plans, classroom videos, lesson plans and activities, and common core resources are all free on this extensive website.
- [K] Wide selection of games that center around math and physics.
- [T] This website provides teachers and math teachers of all age groups with several resources, including training materials and links to other mathematics websites.
- [T] Khan Academy has hundreds of training videos that enhance the users understanding of mathematics, from simple addition to differential equations.
- [K] A variety of math games for kids, covering everything from addition to Pre-Algebra.
SourceForge (open source software) [A]
- [A] A guide to finding a job for those who major in mathematics.
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science.
- [E] provides free lesson plans that center around acoustics for K-12 students.
- [A] Learn physics with these lectures from the legendary Richard Feynman.
- [A] Georgia State University provides excellent, simplified explanations of physics concepts. This website explains everything from general physics principles to the most complex theoretical subjects.
- [A] [T] Khan Academy provides users with video lectures about all areas and technical levels of physics.
- [G] ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV offers both Bachelors of Science and Bachelors of Arts for physics, and has exciting opportunities for undergraduate research in areas such as Solid State Physics and Black Hole Research.
- [G] PhET provides simulations that model the principles of many different fields of Science. Simulations are available for students and teachers of K-12 as well as university level.
- [A] Physics Made Easy brings you "cliff notes" versions of the most complex physics ideas. Great for review!
- [E] [K] Science Kids brings you a children's website that aims to educate children on the basics of physics, and provides a few lesson plans and experiments.
SourceForge Physics Software - [A]
- [A] Open access to over a million scientific articles in Physics, Mathematics, Quantitative Biology and Computer Science.
- [K] A kid-friendly site where you can explore all areas of science and have your science questions answered by a lab coat-wearing cat.
- [G] Explore and connect with a variety of LGBTQ+ STEM innovators and resources.
- [K] Play a variety of free biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and statistics computer games.
- [G] Easy to understand explanations of the most complicated scientific concepts.
- [G] Thousands of lectures, covering a broad range of STEM disciplines and levels - from kindergarten to post-doctoral.
- [G] A Guide for Minorities in STEM: Increasing Workplace Diversity
- [E] The NSF provides links to teaching resources for all disciplines of science.
- [E] Links to hundreds of free science documentaries and articles.
- [E] Thousands of free science activities for K-12 teachers.
- [A] This database and journal search engine is a collaboration of several government agencies, and an excellent way for students to find sources for their research papers.
- [E] [K]- This site will give you lots of ideas for science projects and home experiments.
- [E] [K] - Multidiscipline website designed for children, parents and teachers.
- [G] GCSC brings education, community, and business partners together to provide rich STEM learning experiences for students.