A. Students are placed on academic warning only once. A hold is placed on their registration and they cannot change their schedule until their advisor clears the hold. Please read about the criteria to be on, and get off, academic warning. Read about: .
B. Students on academic probation are limited to taking only 13 credit hours per semester while they remain on probation. A hold is placed on their registration and they cannot change their schedule until their advisor clears the hold. Please read about the criteria to get on, and get off, academic probation. Read about: .
C. Students who are suspended from 好色先生TV are required to sit out for two full academic semesters (fall, spring). They must be re-instated by an Assistant Dean and, if allowed to return, will return on probation. Please read about the criteria for suspension. Read about: .
A. If you are registered for classes at NKU you should be assigned an advisor. To see who your advisor is you can look on myNKU on the My Record鈥檚 tab under advisor.
B. If there is no advisor listed, please look at our advisors web page by clicking here to see who would best advise your program goals and contact them.
Most, but not all, undergraduate majors in the College of Health Professions require you to meet with an advisor at least once each semester. This is enforced by placing an advising or registration 鈥渉old鈥 which will keep you from registering for classes for the next semester until you have the hold cleared by an advisor.
Some advisors will clear the hold after a phone call or email contact. Other advisors want you to make an appointment and have a formal advising session.
A face-to-face advising appointment is a usually required for freshman and sophomores, especially as you are preparing to apply to our selective admission programs.
You are invited to connect with your advisor as frequently as you need to, especially in your first year at NKU, as you adjust to college and the new academic demands placed on you.
A 鈥渉old鈥 prevents a student from registering for a course.
The most common 鈥渉old鈥 is an advising hold. Most, but not all, undergraduate majors in the College of Health Professions are given an advising hold each semester before registration. This requires the student to meet with an academic advisor before registering for classes.
Students who are on academic warning or academic probation have a warning or probationary hold. All students on warning and probation are REQUIRED to meet with an academic advisor to discuss a plan to improve academic success. These holds are then removed so the student can register but may be reapplied to prevent the student from making any schedule changes without the consent of the academic advisor.
Students may also have 鈥渉olds鈥 applied by other departments on campus. Some of these 鈥渉olds鈥 may prevent a student from registering, obtaining a transcript, or even graduating. The department who applied this 鈥渉old鈥 has to be contacted to have the 鈥渉old鈥 removed. If you have one of these holds and have questions, contact your academic advisor and they can give you advice on how to have the 鈥渉old鈥 removed.
A full-time student is a student who is registered for 12 credit hours or more. The academic advisors in the College of Health Professions recommend students taking 15 to 16 credit hours because a student pays the same rate for 12 to 16 credit hours. Most students have to remain full-time because of financial aid or insurance purposes. The College of Health Professions does not require a student to be full-time but in order to finish any of our majors in four years, a student would need to be full-time each semester.
A part-time student is a student who is registered for 11 credit hours or less. Being part-time may impact your financial aid. Please contact the .