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Study Abroad
Study Abroad

Where in the world is your classroom?

Combine your interest in international travel with your studies as you live and learn at one of our partner institutions. Our study abroad opportunities are academically rigorous, culturally immersive programs that offer the opportunity for personal growth, academic achievement, and a competitive edge in our increasingly global society.

Learn where Haile College is going in 2025 and how you can join us!

image of london and dublin study abroad

London & Dublin

Combine your interest in international travel with resume, interview, and business skills through solving a problem for an actual client/company – 'Europe Snacks'.



Summer 2025 Semester

Travel Dates: May 27th - June 12th

Full Class Length: May 13th - June 26th

Application Deadline: February 17th, 2025



BUS 300: From Classroom to Boardroom: Mastering Professionalism in Europe

BUS 300 will be the equivalent to BUS 301: Haile Professionals

Professors: Olena Pilyayeva (pilyayevao@nku.edu) & Jenny Gardner (gardnerj@nku.edu)



This 6-week study abroad program is designed to immerse students in the professional landscapes of London and Dublin, two of Europe’s most vibrant cities. The program aims to equip students with essential professionalism skills and hands-on experience through a client-based project with international companies.

Elements of the program include:

  • Professionalism Skills Workshops
    You will participate in a series of workshops focused on developing key professional skills including resume building, interview techniques, networking skills, and personal branding.
  • Client-Based Project
    You, along with a team, will be assigned a real-world problem presented by an international company. This project may include client interaction, research, industry benchmarking, solution development, and a presentation.
  • Cultural Immersion
    You will engage in activities that highlight the historical, social, and economic landscapes of London and Dublin, including historical tours, cultural events, and guest lectures.

What could be better than getting to travel overseas and experience London and Dublin while gaining international business experience?

To download a PDF version of our flyer, click here.


$4,500+ & Airfare (before scholarships)

The amount includes program costs, accommodations, visits to museums and historical spots, local transportation, guided excursions, some dining experiences, and business visits to local companies. Costs of side trips, most dining experiences, and individual spending money are not included.

graphic of study abroad in bremen germany


Travel to Germany and the city of Bremen to take MKT 310: Selling Skills, Supply Chain Management, or MGT 303: International Business. Courses are taught Monday - Thursday with three-day weekends perfect for traveling and exploring. You will be able to complete three to six credit hours in just four weeks. Finally, tuition is waived for the courses, making this opportunity more affordable!


Summer 2025

June 2 - 26, 2025

Deadline to apply: February 28th, 2025 (application and deposit)


  • MKT 310 Selling Skills
  • MGT 303 Foundations of International Business
  • Supply Chain Management


Interested in studying in Germany in the city of Bremen? Here is what you'll need to do:

  1. Apply online studyabroadapplications.nku.edu. Questions? Office of Education Abroad UC 305, studyabroad@nku.edu; 859.572.6194.
  2. Once your application is on file and your deposit ($475) for the course paid, apply for scholarships from the Office of Study Abroad (). Your application and deposit payment automatically trigger your application for the Haile COB scholarships (9 x $750 grants available on first come, first served basis for qualified Haile College students).


  • NKU program fee (anticipated): $475
  • Bremen activities and transportation fee (approximately): $300
  • Travel costs to include: flights, accommodations, meals, and entertainment
  • Tuition is waived for these courses!


If you are interested in this once in a lifetime opportunity, be sure to apply today. Click the button below to begin your application.


Your application and deposit payment automatically trigger your application for the Haile College scholarships (9 x $750 grants available on first come, first served basis for qualified Haile College students). Many additional grants and scholarships are available. Click the button above for details.

Contact Us

Have questions about Study Abroad opportunities?

Edmund Fenton | Program Director | fentone1@nku.edu | (859) 572-5911
Office of Education Abroad | studyabroad@nku.edu | (859) 572-6194