To learn more about organizations at NKU, visit .
Reach out to the organization advisor to learn more about any of these organizations.
Organization Advisor:
Nicholas Caporusso
ACM is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society advancing computing as a science and profession. Our goal is to foster a community of passionate students through hackathons, social events, and competitions such as ICPC.
Organization Advisor:
Maureen Doyle
Our main goal is to promote growth, support, and opportunity for the women in the School of Computing & Analytics.
Organization Advisor:
Crystal Summers
The purpose of BIG is to provide students an opportunity to: 1) engage with like-minded people concerning business and technology, 2) facilitate opportunities for you to network with professionals, and 3) provide a service to our community, so that they may be better prepared to carry out responsibilities as future leaders and professionals.
Organization Advisors:
Lisa Brun
Kate Goller
As a COI Ambassador, our students represent the College of Informatics. They build relationships with prospective and current COI students, with other NKU offices and departments, and with supporters of the COI.
Visit the organization's .
Organization Advisor:
Anthony Tsetse
The organization works to promote diversity within the College of Informatics. Students will have the opportunity to be paired with faculty mentors and professionals from Industry.
Organization Advisor:
Zach Hart
This student organization provides its members with professional development and social connection opportunities to prepare them for careers in Communication Professions. Members will interact with and connect with practitioners, alumni, professors and other students with similar interests and experience in all forms of communication work such as public speaking, training and development, public relations strategy and digital media planning and creation. Members also have the option to join the Public Relations Student Society of America, a national practitioner organization.
Organization Advisor:
Yangyang Tao
The Data Science Club is created for all those interested in topics related to Data Science and Data Analytics, not just those interested in pursuing a career in the field. We discuss new technologies, internship/career experiences, and other special topics. All skill levels and majors are welcome.
Organization Advisor:
Ken Roth
The Norse IoT club is focused on student-led research and projects concerning Internet of Things devices and applications. We hope to foster a community for students, faculty, alumni, and industry professionals who are enthusiastic about the opportunities IoT has to offer.
Visit the organization's website.
Organization Advisor:
Shahid Noor
A group of students dedicated to promoting learning, knowledge, and skills in information security, cyber defense, and offensive security. Members of NKCyber will take part in various competitions, including: Collegiate Cyber Defense CompetiÂtion, Cyberwars, various Capture the Flag Competitions, and any others that revolve around cybersecurity or information security.
Visit the organization's website.
Organization Advisor:
Annie Hammock
Norse Code Radio (NCR) is NKU’s only student-run radio station. Streaming 24 hours a day! The place for good music, talk, live band performances, opinion, entertainment, and more!
Visit the organization's .
Organization Advisors:
John Gibson
The Norse Film Society is dedicated to producing high quality student films and allows students to share filmmaking resources and builds a network of student filmmakers of all skill levels at NKU.
Organization Advisor:
Annie Hammock
The Northerner is an independent studentÂ-run media outlet innovatively providing relevant and credible content within the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV community. While upholding the ethical standards of traditional journalism, we are constantly evolving into the digital age.
Visit the organization's .
Organization Advisor:
Junxiu Zhou
This organization will help improve your programming skills, problem-solving skills and logical thinking skills. You will become familiar with different aspects of mechanics, electronics, and computer science while working with different types of robots and intelligent systems.
Visit the organization's website.
Organization Advisor:
Cynthia Thomas
WiCys is a group that supports women in advancing and retaining positions in Cybersecurity. WiCys offers unique training, networking, and scholarships to its members. It is open to all students.
Organization Advisor:
Zach Hart
The delared purpose of PRSSA is to cultivate a favorable and mutually advantageous relationship between students and professional public relations practitioners.
Organization Advisor:
Annie Hammock
This organization seeks to establish relationships among students with an interest in journalism and journalism professionals. We will seek to further develop skills related to journalism through workshops, field trips and other activities.