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Oh Wells in gatlinburg

Conveying the spirit and sense of community that is part of NKU's campus, Orientation Leaders:

  • welcome new students and their guests/parents
  • assist the Orientation staff with programs
  • participate in information sessions
  • and facilitate small group discussions

The Office of Admissions offers many opportunities for student leadership development. If you're an NKU student interested in getting involved with these programs, reach out to our office and let us know how you'd like to get involved. We'd love to hear from you!



What to expect:

  • Orientation Leaders (OLs)  are very much the "faces" of our university and will showcase the NKU experience to incoming students and families.
  • OLs have fun, and in turn, foster an environment that helps incoming students develop an identity as a member of the Norse community.
  • OLs will escort students and family members to different events/activities on campus and assist in the preparation of Orientation events.



To be an Orientation Leader, you must:

  • Currently be enrolled full-time as a undergraduate student at NKU.
  • Be enrolled at least through the Fall semester after orientation.
  • Have good academic standing (GPA of 2.5 or better) prior to applying AND at the end of the spring semester before the orientation season.


In addition to monetary compensation, OLs receive the following:

  • Paid on-campus housing
  • NKU Gear to wear during the orientation programs
  • A personalized, NKU Orientation Leader Backpack
  • Inclusion in various photo shoot opportunities used for NKU publications such as: Admissions View Book, NKU website, NKU Social Media, etc.

Perhaps the most important form of compensation is the joy and satisfaction you'll get from networking with your fellow OLs, supervisors, new students, parents, guests, faculty, staff and administrators!

Did you love your orientation process? Do you want to help incoming students learn the ropes and feel at home at NKU? The role you will play as an Orientation Leader at NKU is of the utmost importance. You could be the reason a student chooses NKU, joins a particular organization, declares a major and becomes a future Orientation Leader. Apply using the button above!